Apollo is an Integrated Decentralized Finance Protocol addressing concerns faced mainly by Central & Reserve Banks. Apollo gives access to Liquidity Pool of Reserve Assets allowing Exotic Currency Swaps for Tier 1 Currency &/or Alternative Assets. The Protocol allows Hedging for Adjusted Currency Devaluation &/or Inflation based Return in Dollarization. The Protocol enhances Capital Efficiency Deployment of Excess Domestic Reserves. Protocol also Applicable to SWF & National Social Security Funds.
Hyperion is a off-chain Decentralized Protocol addressing concerns faced by Insurance Companies, Fund Managers, Pension Administrators & Funds to offset Unfunded Obligation through Decentralized Credit & Cash Pools. This enables the Institutions to Transfer the Risk over to the Pool with little to no Obligation to Service the Premiums. The Retirement Fund matures within a short period for Distribution. Pension Defi Liquidity Pools generally hold a basket of Currencies & Assets.
Hermes is a discretionary semi-integrated Decentralized Protocol mainly subscribed by Banking & Insurance Institutions to provide blockchain based Cross-Border Arbitrary Settlements in Multi-Currencies. The Protocol also provides Supplementary Services such as Immediate Liquidity Providers to Local & International Securities, Currencies, Swaps through Defi Liquidity Pool. Institutions can further access Forex based Revolving Facility in US$ for Domestic Currency Denominated Assets.