Greyhorse Clearinghouse Ltd
Decentralizing currency liquidity

Liquidity pool

Greyhorse Clearinghouse Ltd Introduces GREYSWAP which is an immediate cash and asset swap integration protocol supporting exotic currencies for tier I currencies. Liquidity is provided by registered funds in respective markets through Greyhorse Credit Liquidity Fund. This is ideal to hedge against Inflation and Devaluation amongst other investment objectives.
SWAP FOR: United stateS $ | british £ | chinese ¥ | saudi ريال
instant swap


Greyswap lets registered Institutions trade any currency pair immediately without going through a central clearinghouse or centralized exchange. Accounts are credited immediately. Institutions can also borrow in 4 base currencies for foreign investments while lending their domestic currency into our local registered liquidity fund. Currency highlighted below are now eligible for Greyswap.

*Minimum swap facility is $25M.

Bangladesh | indonesia | Kenya | Malaysia | Mexico | nepal | nigeria | pakistan | Philippines | south africa | sri lanka | thailand | turkey